01 - First Travellers

First Travellers is an IRL RPG played by four (more if you count our various personalities) genuinely new RPGers. I played back in the mid-80s... but haven't since. I discovered Traveller (Mongoose and Classic, in that order) and am hooked. I listened to podcasts, read blogs, bought books, supported Kickstarters, etc. but have yet to play an actual game. So, I solicited some friends and family to see who might be interested in a comical romp through space. I got three takers, and a few more very interested "maybe" responses.

We are playing MGT 2, but there are some house rules. Some intentional, some not so much. I don't have a high opinion on the clarity of thought behind the actual writing of the texts, so—when in doubt, we just make it up. The goal is to have fun after all... so, we've worked in some things that might not be exactly canon, or sanctioned by any particular rulebook.

This adventure was inspired by a small paragraph prompt in the back of the MGT2 Core Rulebook for the planet Albe in the Trojan Reach.

The Travellers Three:

Name: Telly (38)
Species: Human
UPP: 898A6A
Finances: 50,000Cr
Skills: Animal (Handling)-0, Animal (Training)-1, Electronics (Remote)-1, Explosives-1, Gunner-0, Gun Combat (Slug)-1, Heavy Weapons (?)-1, Mechanic-0, Medic-1, Melee (Blade)-1, Pilot (Small Craft)-1, Recon-1, Science (Philosophy)-1, Seafarer-0, Vacc Suit-2
Weapons: Pocket Nuke (TL12)
Equipment: Scout Ship (25%)
Contacts: Ally-1

Name: (Commodore) Rickey Dewey (46)
Species: Symbiotic Human - Cyborg Organism
UPP: B79866
Finances: 150,000Cr
Pension: 14,000 Cr
Skills: Admin-0, Athletics (?)-0, Astrogation-1, Diplomat-1, Electronics (Remote Op)-1, Gunner (?)-0, Gun Combat (Energy)-1, Gun Combat (Slug)-1, Leadership-4, Mecahnic-1, Melee (Blade)-2, Pilot (Capital)-2, Recon-1, Survival-0, Tactics (Naval)-4, Vacc Suit-0
Weapons: Self-Aware Mono-Blade
Equipment: Ship Shares-8, Ship Boat-1, Land Vehicle-1
Contacts: TAS Membership, 1-Romantic Contact

Name: (Sir) John Smith (50)
Species: Human
UPP: 111A8C
Finances: 160,000 Cr
Skills: Admin-1, Advocate-3, Broker-2, Carouse-0, Deception-1, Diplomat-1, Drive (?)-0, Electronics (Comms)-1, Investigate-0, Mechanic-1, Persuade-2, Recon-1, Stealth-2, Steward-0, Streetwise-1, Survival-1, Vacc Suit-0
Equipment: Hover Chair, Ship Shares-6, Yacht (25%),
Contacts: Contacts-2, Rival-2, Ally-1, Enemy-1
